Snow Shovelers Guide



To provide a safe and well cared for campus during snow and ice events by keeping entrances to buildings, steps and other areas that are too difficult to plow clear of snow and ice.

Where to Shovel

You will be assigned 1 to 3 buildings that you will be responsible for during the winter.

When to Shovel

When we are expecting snow overnight you need to check the latest posts on the TIU Facility Services (FS) Snow and Ice Management Blog ( to get current snow and ice management information. Depending on your area, it must be clear by 6:00am  or 7:00 am respectively.

When we are not sure how much snow we will get but the forecast is calling for a little bit of snow and it is going to be during the day or early evening or during the weekend, please keep an eye on your areas and do what is necessary to keep them clear.  Whenever you see an accumulation of snow or ice you should do what is necessary to clear your areas.

If you for some reason cannot do your area you must try to find a replacement by contacting someone from our current snow shoveler list (found on this blog) – If you get another shoveler to cover for you please let me know by text or by email – if you cannot get another shoveler to cover your area on evenings or weekends please give us 24 hrs and text or call my cell at 847-217-5529. If you cannot do your area in the morning call me by 8:00 pm the evening before – for safety reasons it is important to give us enough time to make arrangements to cover your  area for a snow event (my preference is that you text). I go to bed at 9pm so do not call or text me after then.

Remember shoveling is part of the overall TIU Snow and Ice Management Program which is all about maintaining access and safety during snow events for students, staff, and visitors on our campus. If you fail to do your job on time and to do it well we will be forced to give your position/area to someone else who will.

Breaks/Vacation (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break or Other Times Off)

Please use the blog for your communication if you are going to be out of town or unavailable during breaks. Under “Snow Shovelers Resources” you will find a section for “Vacation/Break Reporting” – please post a comment under the appropriate break listing the times and dates you are unavailable in advance.  Also if you are available during a break to help cover and gain extra hours please let us know there also. Good communication helps us know who is and who is not available during breaks.

What to Shovel

The Building/Area maps are posted on the blog under “Snow Shoveler Resources” and reflect these priorities:

  • Entrances need to be cleared to a point where the plows can easily clear the sidewalk.
  • Steps & Stairs must be cleared from side to side (no “shovel wide” paths).
  • Other areas or sidewalks that are too difficult to plow with a tractor.
  • Entrances should be cleared so that as much as possible, the snow and ice is removed from all paved surfaces.
  • Please do all areas on your map! We have detailed where we want you to shovel.

How to Clear Your Area

In most situations all you will need to do is use your shovel to remove the snow.  In moderate temperatures we will be spraying both anti-icing (pre-event) and deicing (post-event) salt brine at ground level.  Sometimes even after FS spraying if your area is still slick it will be necessary to put some granular salt down from your salt bucket after you have shoveled. As a general rule above 15  degrees (and trending upward) if your area is clear after you shovel and you can see pavement and if its wet but it isn’t slick you probably won’t need to use granular salt. If you are in doubt though go ahead and use the granular salt. If your area has stairs and landings you will probably need to use granular salt for added safety.

Your responsibility is to make sure your area remains clear and safe. Especially pay attention in lower temperatures (15 degrees and trending lower) and also check the blog. When you do use granular salt from your bucket please make sure to use your assigned salt spreader and use less than 4 lbs / 1000 sqft guideline  (no piles of salt please) as seen in the video “Winter Maintenance for Small Sites“. Remember 1 coffee cup is around 1 pound – or more than enough to do 1 parking space in a parking lot which is around 150 sqft…   a little spread well goes a long way. (Note: the clear cups which are kept in the salt buckets can hold approximately 2.5 lbs of salt)

Occasionally, if you have ice, you will need to use the granular salt from your bucket first then after it has melted a little you should be able to scrape it with your shovel. If you have area’s that continue to accumulate or build up ice please report them to us by email.

Snow Removal Equipment and Products

You will be given a snow shovel and a hand salt spreader that will be yours to keep for the season.

  • Keep them somewhere safe and secure like your room or apartment.
  • If you do loan the shovel to someone else it is your responsibility to get it back. If you think you may not get it back, don’t loan it out.
  • Facility Services and Security has access to more shovels that people can check out and borrow.
  • If your shovel breaks bring in the broken shovel and we will replace it.

By most entrances there will be a bucket with salt in it. In order to keep the salt dry the bucket should be kept inside. In some cases where there is a roof or overhang to protect it, the bucket can be left outside. In many locations there will be a lid on the bucket. Please make sure it stays on the bucket. If you notice that a bucket is low or empty please email me and let me know that the bucket needs to be filled.

Keeping Your Time in ADP

ADP Payroll

  • You will be paid 2 hours minimum per “snow event” (the “event” is defined as the entire duration of the storm), after that enter in your time in 15-minute increments (.25 .50 or .75)
  • Make sure to enter hours daily in ADP no later than 12 hours  after you work.
  • Honor system – 0 tolerance if your caught cheating.
  • The pay period is every 2 weeks and paid 2 weeks after the last day of the pay period – example a pay period ending on the 11th is paid on the 24th.
  • If Facility Services gets a call (or FS staff reports) that your area is not completed, you will not be paid. Remember FS staff is out working in the snow and know what areas are not completed.

Lastly, we will be posting your contact information on a password protected place on this blog so other shovelers can access it if they need to find someone else to do their area. If you forget the password please email me and I will send it to you. Please let me know if putting your contact info there is problematic for you, or if you have a preferred contact phone number and email.

Thank You for Your Help!

I greatly appreciate your willingness to serve the Trinity community through your work. Together we can serve the community by providing safe passage this winter for those who live on this campus or visit. And lastly as you shovel stay safe yourself and use caution…

Happy shoveling!

Larry Temple

TIU Facility Services

Snow Shovelers Guide 2018 pdf


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"To provide a safe and well cared for campus during snow and ice events "